
Our main program starts from Pre Nursery and ends at Intermediate. Beside of formal education we also provide technical education also in the form of short courses. At The Logic, knowledge of Islam, awareness about social norms, practical implementation of ethics and motivation of loyality with the motherland is also given to the students. We give guidelines to our students to choose right direction for their career also.

Take Computer Science Courses with Personalized Support
Build Cool Projects to Showcase Your Skills
Earn Industry-Recognized Certificates

We are committed to educate our students by giving them cultural values, modern and Islamic education to develop patriotic future leader

Our aim is to impart the right kind of education based on values conducive to the total development of the students.
Rana Muhammad Rafi رحمتہ اللہ علیہ
The Logic Group of Schools & Colleges

Your Life was a Blessing, Your memory a treasure, You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure

We, “The Logic Family” will follow your vision & will pave the way to realize your dreams (INSHALLAH)

We Are Highly Rated by Our Students

4.7 out of 5

Our medical group is grateful for your wonderful course and professional, welcoming atmosphere in the classroom. Cheers!

Mary Clarks


Trying something new is exciting! Thanks for the amazing law course and the great teacher who was able to make it interesting.

Michael Smith


I liked the education programs, and the teaching staff is awesome! Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn at your center!

Kelly Walker


You really do help young creative minds to get quality education and professional job search assistance. I’d recommend it to everyone!

Justin Morris



The Logic Group of Colleges, 1-Km, Faisalabad Road, Khurrianwala, Tehsil Jaranwala, District Faisalabad.
[email protected]